Firehawks Boys Spring 2021 Programs
Boys Spring
Our Firehawks Programs are designed for players of all skill levels. We field teams at the 8U through 14U age groups and at every level we group kids to maximize their enjoyment of the sport and progress as a player. Our 6U (Firestarters) program is a coed In-House only program designed to introduce 4/5 year olds to the sport.
We are a "Rec" lacrosse program and have a no cut policy. We place fun and personal development over winning and demand a high level of sportsmanship from everyone involved with the Firehawks Program. Some of our players are the best in the region while others are just starting out and exploring lacrosse as a new activity. For this reason there are several options within our spring program all of which offer a fantastic age/skill appropriate experience to kids.
2021 Spring Program Information will be posted in October.