Our Purpose:
Continue to grow and develop the sport of lacrosse in the San Francisco Bay Area by providing leagues, teams, clinics, camps and other lacrosse related activities for players of all ages. We primarily do this through our recreational spring season, with our teams competing in the West Bay Lacrosse League and other local events. However, we also offer a comprehensive “fall ball” where we review and teach fundamental skills, appropriate for brand new players and seasoned veterans.
Support the growth of lacrosse throughout the United States by working with other like-minded originations and sharing our best practices with the goal of providing better lacrosse experiences for players across the country. Provide opportunities for our Bay Area players to experience lacrosse in other regions of the country.
Support international lacrosse through equipment donations, fund raising, coaches training and consulting. Also by providing opportunities for Bay Area players to compete abroad and support lacrosse in other countries.
Use the sport of lacrosse as a means to:
Bring people together in a positive setting
Create shared cultural experiences
Teach life lessons
Develop self confidence in young players
Develop fit minds and bodies
Provide a healthy, fun, safe environment for youth to experience competition